Conal is here! He decided to come early, I guess he was anxious to meet his big brothers! He was born Saturday, August 22nd around 5PM. Mom and baby are fine.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
He's Here!
Conal is here! He decided to come early, I guess he was anxious to meet his big brothers! He was born Saturday, August 22nd around 5PM. Mom and baby are fine.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Been a while.....
P.S. Conal Xander, the new grandmonster, is due in one week! WOOT! Can't wait to meet him!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My first mail away ATC swap...
Okay, this is just a quick blog I decided to do because my poor blog has been the red-headed step child of my life. I am participating in an ATC (Artist Trading Card) swap on
My three phrases are: Motherhood is not for Wimps! or Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be WOW-boys, (in case you aren't familiar, WOW is a very addictive online game,) a play on the Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson song. A Stitch in Time Saves 9 and Hold on to Your Dreams!
If you haven't made any ATCs...maybe you should! They're fun and take very little inv
Friday, February 20, 2009
Okay NOW, here is Carol's tote!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Seven Things About Me

Okay, since my friend Jeanne Rhea tagged me back on November 29th, I've been trying like heck to come up with seven things about me that you may not know. Pretty hard task since I talk too much and I am an open book. I made a list in my constant companion notebook and added things as I thought of them, and boy it took me a while! Now, I can't say my seven will be all that interesting but here goes:
1. There was an attempt made on my life before I was even thought of, as my mother had her tubes tied and wallah here I am. Stubborn thing I was and still am. I was told I was an accident. I prefer to think of myself as one of those fun things that tell us...we are not in control.
2. I was raised on a 180 acre farm in Florida that was homesteaded by my grandparents, I've seen chicken's necks rung, cows butchered, hogs scalded (oh how I love cracklins',) not to mention many animals born. My job was feeding the chickens. Yes, I have "been" in an outhouse. Two different ones as a matter of fact, our neighbors, also a farming family had a "two-seater." Lynne, my neighbor, best friend in all the world and their granddaughter, and I thought it was the most fun place to play. My great-grandparents homesteaded in Florida as well and my great-grandfather built the first school in Polk County and it is named after him. To this day one of the original benches is in the front office of the school that took the place of the old building he built on the same site. However, they were from Bertie County, NC. Hmm.....must be one of the reasons my heart is in NC. Tarheel blood in me, even though I qualify as one of those rarities, a Florida Native.
3. I am a sheet snob. I hate sleeping on anything but 100% cotton sheets. I have been known to take my own linens with me to a friend's house (although she doesn't know that) I would take 50 year old cotton sheets over the modern day, pilly-feels like sandpaper-no-wrinkle blends any day! A great day at a thrift store for me is when I find a vintage sheet, pillowcase or tablecloth in pristine condition. I guess its part of my love of fiber and why I have been known to go in a quilting shop just to fondle the cloth. hehe (Nanette understands I am sure!)
4. I hate to wear shoes on my size 6 and 1/2 WW feet. Period. That's all I'm going to say on that.
5. I collect metal picnic tins. I think I have well over 40 if you include the Skotch Koolers. You can see some of them in my flickr album. Picnic Tins
6. I have three birds. Taco, a very talkative loud-mouthed Yellow-Naped Amazon, Wee-da-wee (she says this all the time so I named her that, I think she is trying to say "What are you doing?) a beautiful, sweet as honey, Lilac Crowned Amazon and then there is Blue, a beautiful and quiet, Rose Breasted Cockatoo, or Galah as they are called in their native Australia.
7. I really don't like to argue politics. However, I do try to keep current on what is happening in the world. I feel that politics, like religion, brings out very strong feelings for most and I like PEACE. Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I don't know what's going on or have strong opinions. If you ask me straight up what I think I will tell you, but I won't say anything unless asked.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving...and a little dogma...

The other night I was reading and very much enjoying, my new friend and fellow mixed media artist Nanette's blogs. Something she wrote prompted me to write about something I'm really thankful for and it may surprise you. I am thankful that I almost died in 2004 from complete liver failure, as I have autoimmune hepatitis. The road back has been long and is still a "work in progress," but along the way I learned a lot of things. I won't torture you with all the yucky details that being sick entails, instead I'd like to tell you why I am thankful for it.
When you're faced with what might be the end of your life you see things in a very different way. There is an urgency to "get it right." I learned that life is not about things, impressing people, or keeping up with the "Jones'". It’s not about keeping people in your life that bring you grief and heartache. I learned its okay to limit the people you allow in your life and the things you do, to those that are uplifting to you and the ones you care about. It’s about giving and helping those you can lend a hand to, expecting nothing in return. The joy comes in just being able to give in some way. It’s about the love of a child, that pure, unconditional love they give. During my recovery I was blessed with two grandsons, they've taught me a lot and have given me a reason to fight for my health.
I decided to put more people in my life who support me. I have no time for people who are "out to get others" and all that that brings. I learned that life is way too short for that. I found a great group of women (who knows maybe this next year we'll get some men, Layton?) that are supportive of my meager efforts to express myself through art. Each and every one of us want to help each other bring out the best in ourselves, and you rarely find that these days. SO.... having said ALL of that, I'd like to say a great big "Thank you" to all my peeps in the CMMAG. Just for being yourselves and "getting it" you have blessed me SO MUCH!
Okay enough of that, lets get back to creating and having FUN!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Charm Tote
This is a tote bag I made for my sister for her birthday. The fabric collection is by April Cornell for Moda and is called "Portugal." It is made mostly from a charm pack which is pre-cut 5" squares It is embellished with vintage pearl buttons that were my mom's. Some were left to her by an elderly dear friend, so I know some of them are quite old. I know that means a lot to my sister as we were both very close to our mom and miss her every day. It has many pockets inside. If you click on the photos they will enlarge and you can see the details.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Art of the Carolinas and the ATCs

Thursday, November 6, 2008
String Beans
I found this pic of my String Beans quilt and thought I'd post it. It is set but not quilted or bound. This quilt isn't the most traditionally beautiful quilt in the world but it means a lot to me because it was made mostly from scraps my mother left behind. I like the randomness of it, it reminds me that there is beauty everywhere you just have to look. I am quite proud of the workmanship of this quilt. It was a joy to make. Without too much effort all the corners are crisp and the setting lines are even. Hopefully after Christmas I can get it quilted and bound. My son Kevin will probably put dibs on this as he is my oddball, artsy child (25YO, yes Kevin I know you aren't a child but you will always be my baby) with the same sentimental streak as his mom. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A quilt I'm almost done with....
The name of it is String Beans. I learned to make this from a class I took taught by Sonja Shogren. She is an excellent teacher who now teaches at the Bernina Dealer in Raleigh.
This is a pic of it without all of the sashing. I have since added the sashing and the borders and it is a complete top ready to be quilted. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow when there is more light.

This is a pic of it without all of the sashing. I have since added the sashing and the borders and it is a complete top ready to be quilted. I'll try and take a pic tomorrow when there is more light.
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